What is Te Yi Medical Qigong®?

Qi Drawing by Colleen Q.
Qi Drawing by Colleen Q.

Te Yi Medical Qigong® or Te Yi in short means Special Medicine in Chinese. As part of the Heavenly Essence Qigong system, Te Yi is a special Qigong practice distilled from the ancient Chinese life preservation and healing traditions. Te Yi does not diagnose or treat any diseases and is not a medical treatment, but uses the unique Qi Assessment and Qi Regulation techniques to promote healing and enhance the efficacy of other modalities. Te Yi specializes in utilizing the Human Innate Special Functions (HISFs) and “Yi Nian” or mind intent to help support the optimal Qi flow and enhance the body’s innate self healing abilities to heal itself.

Te Yi Medical Qigong® is performed either by a trained Te Yi student practitioner for practice purpose or by a Te Yi Certified Practitioner as a professional service. It is done without any drugs or physical needles and mostly without any physical contact or sometimes done with hands gently placed on certain area over clothes without any physical manipulation. It can also be done remotely as a distant healing.

A Te Yi session varies in length of time and frequency as long as the desired effect is accomplished for the receiver, which is determined by the conditions addressed, the receiver’s sensitivity types, the practitioner’s energy level and other factors involved. For current student training and a general practice purpose, we usually suggest a Te Yi session to be 20-25min. All Te Yi receivers are generally recommended to learn and practice Qigong in order to enhance the healing effect and maintain health in the long run.

Te Yi practice includes Qigong or Qi healing, projecting External Qi healing, mind intent healing, Qigong Fasting, Group Qi Field healing, hands-on or healing touch, Yi needle or non-physical needle healing, Qigong and Taichi therapeutic exercises self healing, stress reduction and preventative self healing. Te Yi is known for being easily accessible, pain free and deeply relaxing as well as therapeutic in a most natural and non-invasive way.

The knowledge of Te Yi Medical Qigong®has been introduced to the west as a new healing modality by Dr. Liping Zhu, who is a disciple in the Heavenly Essence Qigong lineage and was directly authorized by the Grandmaster.

How can I get trained in Te Yi Medical Qigong®?

To learn the Qi Assessment and Qi Regulation methods of Te Yi Medical Qigong® you can choose to be trained as either a Te Yi Medical Qigong® Student Practitioner or a Te Yi Medical Qigong® Certified Practitioner by taking either Qigong Formal Study Program or Qigong Certificate Program. Please read about our Te Yi Medical Qigong Programs.

What to expect during a session of Te Yi Medical Qigong®? Depending on your meridian sensitivity, you may or may not feel any physical sensations. However, the majority of people at one point during a Te Yi session may feel some unusual bodily sensations such as warmth, tingling, pulsing, vibration, electrical, itching, heavy, windy, cold… etc that are called Qi Gan or Qi Sensation. Some even experience seeing colors and hearing sounds. The practitioner may lay hands on you gently on a specific area without moving or not touch you at all for the entire time. Some receivers may feel a very deep sense of relaxation, release and comfort. Some receivers may feel emotional or certain pain sensations or temporary discomfort over the diseased or energy blocked areas while the Qi is moving through the blockage and may continue to experience the “purging” or “healing” effect in the next day or two or even longer. None of those sensations cause any harm to the body and are signs of energy moving through or releasing blockages or increasing.

Who can receive sessions of Te Yi Medical Qigong®?
Anyone is welcome to receive Te Yi sessions if the person think they can benefit from Te Yi regardless if the person is ill or not! However, we decline to offer Te Yi to those who have severe diseases such as cancer, severe heart disease, severe high blood pressure, psychosis, schizophrenia and contagious diseases. Generally speaking, Te Yi Medical Qigong® can be used for relaxation, prevention, healing and balancing. You don’t have to be a Heavenly Essence Qigong student to receive Te Yi. We do encourage all our receivers to learn about and practice Heavenly Essence Qigong if they wish to understand more about how Te Yi works and to develop self healing functions and abilities for maintaining their health for themselves.

What does Te Yi Medical Qigong®treat?
Te Yi doesn’t diagnose or treat any illnesses but can help support the healing of the body. Through a practitioner’s Qi Assessment and Qi regulation techniques, a receiver’s innate potential self healing function can be stimulated and enhanced while a practitioner is in a relaxed Qigong practice state. According to many Te Yi practitioners’ experience and the published six volumes of 1000 Te Yi case studies from China, Te Yi healing could help with the healing of more than a hundred diseases such as pain, high/low blood pressure, eye diseases, diabetes, heart diseases, skin diseases, fibroid, cysts, tumors, stones, paralysis, stress, anxiety, depression, infertility and some difficult to treat diseases, etc. The results vary depending on a receiver’s sensitivity to Qi, a receiver’s cooperation, a practitioner’s energy level and special function abilities etc.

Free Clinic of Te Yi Medical Qigong®
We offer free clinic services of Te Yi Medical Qigong®as part of the Qigong Level 1 & 2 Formal Study and Certificate Program training requirement. These healing sessions are offered by Heavenly Essence Qigong Formal Study or Certificate Program students in training. Please join us for a Te Yi Medical Qigong experience.

Location: 2831 E St, Eureka, CA95501
Clinic Fee: Free clinic services are free. A donation box is available if you would like to support the clinic.

Healing Experience from Te Yi Distant Healing: “During the session,I saw a small flash of light in left, then right eye. multiple pinpoint burning sensation around neck and left ankle jerking down of right shoulder. I detected a strange burning smell. I had warmth in my neck. Knees were cool. General feeling was cool except for lower back. I had transient burning sensation in my lower back. After the session, my back is no longer hurting at all. Neck bones do not creak anymore when I turn my head. Thank you.” — a retired pilot with arthritic problems who received a Te Yi distant healing treatment from Phyllis W. our Level 3 Certificate Program student

A report from September 6, 2014 Free Clinic Day: “I recovered from a sciatica which left me with constant numbness,tingling, tightness, weakness, cramping from time to time on my left side. Everything subsides and reoccurs but never really goes away.I recently strained my left ankle and have tried many therapies. My calf and ankle was becoming tighter and was not subsiding with stretching. I received Liping’s email and decided to try Qi Gong therapy. This is the first time I had Te Yi Medical Qigong from the therapist, Dianna. I left feeling very little strain and a week later still feel great. I sat in her chair she explained what she was going to do and towards the end she cupped my ankle and heel area. When she was done I still felt a warmth and when I stood up I noticed very, very little strain. I am so thankful!” —Margaret H.


Te Yi or Te Yi Medical Qigong is a special Qigong healing practice distilled from ancient Chinese life preservation systems and focuses on energy practice and healing. It doesn’t diagnose or treat illnesses but rather helps support optimal Qi flow and support the body’s ability to heal itself. It is not a medical treatment, but can promote and enhance the efficacy of other healing modalities. Please direct all your medical conditions related questions to your physicians and verify your suitability for this type of energy healing.

There has been no known adverse effects for receiving Te Yi healing. For some receivers, there may be discomfort of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, pain related discomfort during or right after Te Yi treatments when the body starts to release toxins, purge and heal, which is usually called “Qi Chong Bing Zao ” or “Qi charging the disease area”. This phenomenon is more commonly understood as a “healing crisis” and considered a positive effect. The discomfort that is brought up will generally resolve itself within a day or two. If your discomforting symptoms are not related to this healing process, please consult with your doctor for care.

Not all people who are treated by practitioners of Te Yi Medical Qigong® have the same experience and same results. HEQI makes no claims about the efficacy of Te Yi Medical Qigong® based on any previous successful individual stories.

Te Yi or Te Yi Medical Qigong is trademarked. You can only list yourself as a Te Yi Medical Qigong student practitioner or a certified practitioner according to the training requirements set forth by Heavenly Essence Qigong Institute.

Ruby is receiving her Te Yi treatment from Lola
Clinic Waiting Room
Welcoming Flowers
In Treatment