Community Events

Community Services

Te Yi Medical Qigong Free Clinic

Te Yi treatments are provided by the Heavenly Essence Qigong students who have received minimum of Level 1 Part III – Te Yi Medical Qigong as a Te Yi student practitioner or by a Te Yi Certified Practitioner on a free or donation basis.
We are starting our monthly free clinic in August 2020 in Eureka. Please check our Calendar page for dates. Due to the pandemic, this service is on hold.

Community Qigong Practice Events (Online or Live)

Build a community of awareness and wellness with strong practice.
No live events are offered at this time due to the pandemic.
We have been offering Qigong Intensive Practice Day events via Zoom. If you have finished our entry level Qigong study, invitations to these events are usually sent out through email to eligible students.

Community HEQ Support Group, led by HEQ Certified Instructors or senior practitioners, offers ongoing group practice support in different communities to those who have received the basic instruction of Heavenly Essence Qigong Level 1 Part I. This group is not for instructional purpose. Please make sure you complete the basic instructional course Level 1 Part I Life Preservation Qigong. (Due to the pandemic, this service is on hold.)

HEQI Facebook Group where HEQI event photos, articles and practice stories are shared among HEQI students or potential students. HEQI Facebook page

Volunteer Project We can use your help in supporting our Te Yi Medical Qigong Free Clinic and some of our HEQ training programs if you are an existing student. Please let us know your level of HEQ training and your skills. Please email to be on our volunteer group list.

Your support will allow us to provide more services to the community. Thank you in advance!

Make your tax deductible donation by using the donate button or send a check to:
Heavenly Essence Qigong Institute, Inc.
2831 E St, Eureka, CA 95501